
Showing posts from November, 2020

Blog 10. The end.

I think I would use surveys/ data collection in order to make in order to make students comfortable with sharing their opinions. Like with the evaluation forms we fill out at the end of a semester, I think the anonymous input online could allow for teachers to improve based on their students learning needs. I think it could also be useful for conducting demonstrations in statistics classes and other lessons. It can also be used for anonymous polling on class decisions that may need to be made. I enjoyed looking over my classmates’ blogs. It was the closest thing to interacting with them we’ve had this semester and somewhat resembled some sense of normalcy. I liked reading peoples posts for blog post 9 and seeing that I wasn’t alone in struggling with distance learning. I also found it helpful to check on others blogs if I was confused or unsure about something in the class. I think the next technology-based skill I’d like to learn would be special effects and video editing. I’d like...

blog 9

This has been my first semester as an online or distance learner. I’m also doing my internship remotely as well as some classes this semester. I have found the classes relatively easy to do remotely, I feel as though I’m working through the tasks and assignments as though it were a more ordinary semester. I have found my internship challenging however, I don’t think the company were as prepared to assign remote work as my teachers have been. OER, or online educational resources, are applications and websites that can assist teachers and students in academic achievement. These resources can range from lesson plans to study guides. A website I found which may be useful is called OER commons. This is a search engine that can help users find new resources. Users can filter the search to only include the grade level and subject they wish to look up. I found the assignment somewhat challenging. I have used PowerPoint before, but I’ve never recorded a slideshow before. I’m terrible at readi...