blog 8
This was the first website I’ve designed from scratch. So, I feel as though everything I know about web design I learned from this. I quite enjoyed the experience of designing a personal website, once I got used to weebly’s interface I found I was able to express myself creatively somewhat. I personally didn’t like having to put in a bio as I wound up making it up almost entirely. I think in the future I will be more immediately confident should I need to design another website as I now have some experience in it. I found Diigo challenging to use. Its interface wasn’t accessible in my opinion and the layout is far too cluttered and wordy. I had to follow the tutorial very closely in order to be able to do the assignment on Diigo. I think it could be a useful platform in a classroom or team setting. It allows people to share new articles and to comment on them, which could be handy for a team to use if they are working remotely. As a s...