
Blog 10. The end.

I think I would use surveys/ data collection in order to make in order to make students comfortable with sharing their opinions. Like with the evaluation forms we fill out at the end of a semester, I think the anonymous input online could allow for teachers to improve based on their students learning needs. I think it could also be useful for conducting demonstrations in statistics classes and other lessons. It can also be used for anonymous polling on class decisions that may need to be made. I enjoyed looking over my classmates’ blogs. It was the closest thing to interacting with them we’ve had this semester and somewhat resembled some sense of normalcy. I liked reading peoples posts for blog post 9 and seeing that I wasn’t alone in struggling with distance learning. I also found it helpful to check on others blogs if I was confused or unsure about something in the class. I think the next technology-based skill I’d like to learn would be special effects and video editing. I’d like...

blog 9

This has been my first semester as an online or distance learner. I’m also doing my internship remotely as well as some classes this semester. I have found the classes relatively easy to do remotely, I feel as though I’m working through the tasks and assignments as though it were a more ordinary semester. I have found my internship challenging however, I don’t think the company were as prepared to assign remote work as my teachers have been. OER, or online educational resources, are applications and websites that can assist teachers and students in academic achievement. These resources can range from lesson plans to study guides. A website I found which may be useful is called OER commons. This is a search engine that can help users find new resources. Users can filter the search to only include the grade level and subject they wish to look up. I found the assignment somewhat challenging. I have used PowerPoint before, but I’ve never recorded a slideshow before. I’m terrible at readi...

blog 8

This was the first website I’ve designed from scratch. So, I feel as though everything I know about web design I learned from this. I quite enjoyed the experience of designing a personal website, once I got used to weebly’s interface I found I was able to express myself creatively somewhat. I personally didn’t like having to put in a bio as I wound up making it up almost entirely. I think in the future I will be more immediately confident should I need to design another website as I now have some experience in it. I found Diigo challenging to use. Its interface wasn’t accessible in my opinion and the layout is far too cluttered and wordy. I had to follow the tutorial very closely in order to be able to do the assignment on Diigo. I think it could be a useful platform in a classroom or team setting. It allows people to share new articles and to comment on them, which could be handy for a team to use if they are working remotely. As a s...

Blog post 7

The school website I looked at was for Duncan Fletcher High School in Jacksonville Beach, FL. The teacher directory page was very minimal. It included an alphabetical list of all the teachers who work there, along with their department and email address. There were no links to class pages that I could see or access. I looked up some other schools in the area to see if their websites had any class pages I could see. They did not. I could see myself using technology to benefit both myself and the student. I would require students to submit their work electronically, making it easier for me to organize and grade. While students will use programs such as PB Works in order to gain practical tech-based skills. I could see myself using Grammarly when grading assignments, I use it now when writing and it helps me catch mistakes when I miss them. I found using the wiki to be quite straightforward. The software felt very intuitive and self-explanat...

Mr X. on Web 2.0

I was not a fan of diigo. I found it frustrating to navigate, the homepages layout looks to similar to my old email’s design and that through me off quite a bit. I felt like I needed an instruction manual to simply use the websites functions. I’ve quite enjoyed blogging for what is my first attempt. So far, I’ve found it to be an engaging writing exercise that has let me flex my writerly muscles and given me some much-needed practice. It’s made me consider starting a blog of my own on one of my interests so that I could continue to have an outlet to write on. However, after looking at some of my classmates blogs I think I need to put in some work in the design of my blog. I think google docs has been an incredibly helpful web 2.0 tool in my academic career. It is the go-too app to use in group projects as everyone can write and edit each other’s work in real time. Particularly in this viral infection filled time, a tool that allows students to work on the same document at the same ti...

Mr. X's 3rd blog post

Copyright refers to legal protection over one’s work. Copyrights are put in place so that things like books, films, music or research cannot be used without the creator’s consent or licensing. Fair use is a legal precedent which allows for copyright protected products to be used under certain circumstances, such as; criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research. I would use these concepts in my classroom by ensuring my students don’t attempt to pass off someone else’s work as their own. And if they must reference work that isn’t theirs it must be followed by some form of criticism or analysis.   I think cyberbullying could be tackled in a few ways. It is important to teach children appropriate behavior and conduct when using the internet, this includes insuring their own safety and that they don’t try to cause harm to others. I would also ensure that the schools emailing or instant messaging system cannot be used anonymously, stopping cyberbullying at the root. For fighting dec...

Mr X's second blog post - MS Word

Microsoft Word is by far my favorite word processor to use. This is most likely because it is the one that I used and most consistently. Some of my earliest memories of school are learning how to use MS Word, I recall its older, boxy and more pixelated design interface and have grown up using the programs later, more polished iterations. It just doesn’t feel right to me when I use a different processor like pages or google sheets, and I constantly find myself trying to use certain tools and functions that are featured on MS Word but not the others which distracts from my flow of writing.   While I feel that each of the ITSE standards have their own value, the one that carried the most meaning to me was citizen. I think the molding of model citizens is an underappreciated aspect of K-12 education. Learning to collaborate and lead are important parts of a rounded education, but I think that teaching young people to be curious and critical thinkers is crucial. Particularly with the ea...